We appreciate and share your concern about the log4j vulnerability, "log4shell". We provide the below detail in recognition that this issue is of heightened sensitivity.
Iconik became aware of the log4j vulnerability on Friday, December 10th. Immediately, our security and infrastructure teams began a thorough investigation to determine what, if any, impact this vulnerability may have on iconik's systems and services.
As more data is published about this vulnerability, including guidance by vendors and experts, we will incorporate that information into our own ongoing analysis. We have researched our applications, systems, and networks, as well as third party applications and services that we use, and we have no indication that this reported vulnerability has led to any compromise of our systems or data. This includes components which are installed on our customer's network such as the iconik Storage Gateway and the Premiere Panel.
Iconik takes its responsibility to maintain the security of its systems seriously, and the data to which it is entrusted. We sincerely appreciate and share your concern about this vulnerability and will continue to monitor the situation as it progresses.