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Shared Collections

Published on
February 4, 2019

Shared Collections

Tim Child
Published on
February 4, 2019
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Our has been growing, and we’ve been busy working to make iconik more powerful for you. 2019 is going to be great for iconik and we’re excited to roll out the first lineup of improvements for this year. Our aim has always been to help you work faster and smarter around your media. If you share that same goal, then you’re going to like these updates.

Here is a quick overview of the most important updates:

Shared Collections

Sometimes you need to share many assets at once, and you need the freedom to share them with whoever you choose. Now it is possible to share collections with other users. You can share with other iconik users or even those who don’t use iconik. To have access your collection, a person only needs a simple link that is sent to their email when you share it with them.

Discovery View Updated

In iconik, you get smart, AI-powered content recommendations in Discovery View. Even in a vast media asset library, you can always see the content that’s most relevant to you first.

Now the “Discovery View” has had some major enhancements to it. It’s more intuitive and easier to view and access your recommended content. You can click to take a deeper look at each asset and easily go back to the discovery view to preview more.

Force Metadata on Uploads

The ability to force metadata for media uploads means better media management, no matter the size of your team or organisation. Anyone who uploads new content will add the required metadata, and you’ll have a better view over your library.

More Bulk Actions

Do you enjoy long, repetitive tasks that eat up your time and productivity? Nobody does. That’s why iconik has always had bulk actions, and now we’ve added more.

  • You can now apply [bulk updates of Access Control Lists]( (ACLs) to all content in a collection, all at once.
  • You can also use a [bulk action to update metadata on a collection’s content]( Every asset in that collection will have your access control or metadata added with one click. It’s a massive time saver

See how to bulk update an ACL

Custom Default Home Page

With a custom iconik home page, you can save yourself the extra clicks, and get to where you where you want to work from fast. Depending on how you spend your time in iconik, you can choose from Admin, Discover, Jobs, Search, or Upload.

See how to change your default iconik home page

These updates make iconik more customizable, more intuitive and smarter than before. Our team is creating a powerful wave of change in media. We’ll place our users on the crest of that wave. Surf’s up!

Read the complete release notes.

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